Nurture Garden Pass-Offs

Teachers across Waterloo Region pass their school gardens into the capable hands of Nurture youth gardeners.

4 min read

Nurture Garden Pass-Offs

As the school term ends and summer begins, a special tradition takes place in the Waterloo Region. School teachers across the region pass off the responsibility of their cherished school gardens to us at Smart Waterloo Region Innovation Lab (SWRIL). This transition is fondly known as the "Garden Pass-offs."

This is the beginning of a summer-long journey where the youth in our Nurture Youth-Led Gardens program take over the tending of these gardens.

Thank you to all the teachers, students, staff, and schools!

At each garden pass-off, teachers show the youth teams around their garden spaces. They share the unique characteristics and needs of each plant and plot. They provide the combination to any locked areas or sheds and show youth where tools are stored. They explain how to access water and hoses.

The Nurture program at SWRIL is designed to build skills and community through hands-on gardening experience. Young gardeners work hard throughout the summer, tending to the plants, managing pests and diseases, and ensuring that each garden thrives. Their efforts are not only a testament to their hard work and dedication but also to the trust that the schools place in us to care for these gardens.

We're so grateful to the schools for trusting us with their gardens. The fruits of ourlabor will benefit the entire community!

Follow us for Summer Garden Stories

This summer, follow our journey on Instagram! Our account will be buzzing with updates, showcasing the progress of the gardens, the hard work of our youth, and the bountiful harvests. You will see the gardens flourish under the care of our Nurture gardeners.

Follow us on Instagram and join us as we nurture the gardens and our community together!

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