Youth Impact Project Pitch Party

100+ youth pitched their ideas to transform Waterloo Region — for $70,000 to make their ideas a reality.

3 min read

Youth pitch ideas for up to $70,000

On June 8, we and the Children and Youth Planning Table of Waterloo Region (CYPT) hosted over 200 people at Communitech for the Youth Impact Project Pitch Party. Over 100 youth pitched their BIG ideas to transform Waterloo Region based on the 2023 Youth Impact Survey data.

Read more about the 2023 Youth Impact Survey results here.

With funding from the Region of Waterloo and United Way Waterloo Region Communities, we (SWRIL) and CYPT made a $70,000 fund that youth could access through community organisations to activate their ideas.

Youth decide which projects get funding

A panel of nine youth (called "The Dragons,” after the Canadian show "Dragons' Den") have decided which youth projects will receive up to $70,000. They will make their announcement soon.

Youth will be working on their projects from July to December 2024, and possibly beyond! We will be featuring youth and their projects on our Instagram account. Follow us @smartwatregion on Instagram for updates!

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3 projects that received funding

1. Book-a-pedia

The group of youth that pitched this idea are with Nigerians in the Region of Waterloo.

A book club where the stories bridge understanding and connection. By focusing on books by racialized and Indigenous authors, they highlight diverse experiences and perspectives.


The group of youth that pitched this idea are with Langs.

A free soccer tournament event that will include 20 kids (four teams of five). The group would like to provide the kids with a free lunch, fruit smoothies and a free T-shirt.

3. Kairos

The group of youth that pitched this idea are with Camino Health and Wellbeing.

A six-week summer program that for newcomer youth ages 14 - 18. Trades and employment workshops so that newcomer youth and their families don't view university as their only option.

More funding is coming!

In the coming weeks, we will announce the other youth projects that will receive funding. Follow us @smartwatregion on Instagram for updates!

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Learn more about the Youth Impact Project

Learn more about the YIP here.

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